Modified Six’s thermometer by Negretti and Zambra, for taking temperatures at depth at sea, used aboard HMS Bulldog and HMS Porcupine 1855-1865
Meteorological table, from data kept by Mr. James Glaisher. Meteorological table; data kept by Mr. J. Glaisher
Book: Voyages Aeriens (1870) by J. Glaisher, C. Flammarion, W. De Fonvielle, & Gaston Tissandier. Voyages Aeriens 1870
Specimens (2) of nature printing (ferns) taken about 1853. Entitled 'Nature Printing. Taken Over 30 Years Ago', by James Glaisher. Nature Printing. Taken Over 30 Years Ago 1885
Book: Lectures delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association, in Exeter Hall (1863) [by J. Glaisher? et al.] Lectures delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association 1863
Albumen print of various ferns entitled 'Nature Printing. Taken Over 30 Years Ago', produced by James Glaisher FRS about 1853. One of two prints. Nature Printing... circa 1853
Albumen print of various ferns produced by James Glaisher FRS about 1883. One of two prints. Nature Printing Showing Ferns circa 1853